RedNet At RAM

RedNet's Solution For The Royal Academy Of Music

Back in 2014, Royal Academy of Music's Head of Recording, David Gleeson, faced a dilemma.

The Academy's Jack Lyons Theatre was due to be demolished in the summer of 2015 to make way for a new theatre. At the same time, the Academy's recording studios and control rooms were to be demolished too. The redevelopment, including a new theatre, a recital hall and a recording studio above it, was due for completion in 2017. They were faced with having nowhere to record from.

The solution to this challenge, and how the Royal Academy deployed Focusrite's Dante-based RedNet Audio-over-IP (AoIP) system to create it, is the subject of this latest RedNet Case Study, now available to read here. In addition to outlining how the Royal Academy approached the RedNet system and determined the benefits it could offer them, the case study provides outlines and drawings of their system configuration. In addition to enabling the Royal Academy to set up an ad hoc control room capable of sourcing inputs via Ethernet from almost anywhere on the campus, the RedNet installation also provided a step change in sound quality, alongside a degree of flexibility that simply wasn't possible before. "A lot of barriers have been taken down," says Gleeson.
